Student Solution


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Week 4 Individual Assignment

Week 4 Individual Assignment

Q Assignment Instructions The subject of your assignment this week will be the business your group selected in Week 3. This week, each group member will select a different social media platform as the subject for an individual social media assignment. While you will consult with your group members to ensure no one selects the same social media platform, the assignment itself should be completed individually. a. Social Media Platform Selection: Each group member must select a social media platform. Make sure that each group member selects a different social media platform (NO duplicates among group members). Example platforms include, but are not limited to Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, etc. b. Individual Assignment: Based on the company your group selected in Week 3, you will individually create the company’s social media strategy to convey to the public a new direction the company is taking. You will create a digital promotional piece that can be shared via social media platforms. Make sure that your social media piece addresses the following: 1. 1. Explanation and reasoning for the new direction 2. Company’s vision/mission/values 3. Call-for-action button (share, subscribe, donate, etc.) 4. Your digital promotional piece should be original in content without influence from current promotional pieces in the marketplace. Originality is one of the most important factors that determine virality. You may want to consider an interaction component (such as a contest, etc.) to your promotional piece. Do NOT include a piece of marketing already developed by that company. This must be original work. See assignment rubric for additional requirements.

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